Five Times Surprise

This album was released in 2019, but is something I am very proud of. All very amazing musicians that people should know about. I hope you give it a listen.

I could give a lot of detail as to why all of these musicians are dear to me, and maybe I will at some point. But rather than have me blather on about it, here is a nice review. You can also read the bios and listen to it by selecting the album image above or going to the Cuneiform bandcamp page.

Video For Zen Walk

This is kind of cool. I stumbled on this video on YouTube, called “Kyoto – Rising Dawn” and found it beautiful. Because of the obvious connection that ‘Zen Walk’ has to Japan, I decided to watch it with the song playing. Wow, it fit pretty well! This is the result:

It is pretty cool if you watch it full screen. Maybe with the visual to go along with the song, more people will be inspired to get the whole 5 song EP that we did last year.

I tracked down the guy who did it, Patrick Shyu, a.k.a Blue Eden, and he gracefully gave permission to put our music to it. The original video had some pretty good music already and is entitled “Kyoto – Rising Dawn”. His work can be found here at if you are interested. There are also links there to some of his other travel video work which can be breathtaking.

Andy West and Craig Pallet – Zen Walk

Finally, some new music! Well not exactly new, but no one has heard it before now. This is a collection of 5 songs Craig Pallett and I have been collaborating on for a while now. Craig is a super talented composer you should check out who has a wide range of interests and styles.

We have actually been at this several years, off and on, working remotely from each other in our own studios writing and recording on computer rigs. A while ago, we decided to commit to release 5 songs and see what happens. There are about 5-7 more in various stages of completion, but at the rate I am working, its better to get ‘something’ out. I think the set holds together well and matches a nice attention span of about 30 minutes or so.

The music is a combination of electronic and organic, with lots of arranging and attention to detail if you care to hear it. My suggestion is to listen attentively, perhaps when alone driving in your car…or maybe even somewhere with your eyes closed. It is mostly computer based, and not really rock, jazz, chamber, or new age. But some kind of legitimate fusion of those, and probably really out of fashion. The cool thing is we love it.

Anyways, we hope you enjoy this and please check it out and let us know!

Its only $4 for now, so please give us some positive feedback by purchasing on Bandcamp here!

Besides just getting the music out to anyone who might care to listen, I wanted to get familiar with current distribution and payment models and see if anything could work for me other than ‘free’. We’ll see, but that is for another post. The simple news is we are using Bandcamp and DistroKid for electronic distribution and licensing. No physical copies of it yet, as at this point it makes no sense.

Anderson Ponty Band (Tucson)

Saw them at the Fox Theater in Tucson the other night. They played some remakes of Yes tunes that were pretty cool, and the music/musicians were superb.

– JLP performed flawlessly and amazingly. He played a beautiful solo that was just way out there and very ethereal and lovely. And he still played with fire and passion, hitting all the notes with his impeccable precision even on a couple of things from back in the ‘hi-fusion’ days.
– Subdued bass from Keith Jones…until necessary! Then unleashing monster 6 string playing for a wonderful solo, and a creative intro to a version of Yes’ Roundabout.
– Powerful drumming from Rayford Griffin with a really great solo piece.
– High energy. multi-instumentalism, and super good playing music vibes from Jamie Glaser.
– Wally Minko the keyboard player was great too and filled it all in without showboating.
– Jon Anderson maintained his complete otherworldliness, while ‘mostly’ hitting all the notes. Seems like a genuinely nice guy and it was cool to see him in a such an intimate venue. What a legendary musical history he has. I saw Yes play three times (Close to the Edge, Tales from Topographic Oceans, and Relayer…omg were they great)

Anyways, it is well worth seeing them if they are coming near to you. It is not a retro concert, but is especially likable if you have a musical past affinity to the music of JLP or JA. And all the musicians are worth noting and following up with if you have not heard of some of them.